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Search results: 1 - 10 of 397 in Any

Technik Údržby

Amazon. Any, Kojetin

DESCRIPTION Tým odborné údržby (Reliability Maintenance Engineering - RME) ve společnosti Amazon má zásadní význam pro náš provoz - jsou to právě jeho pracovníci, kdo udržují životně důležité stroje v neustálém chodu. Jako technik/technička RME budete provádět údržbu široké škály zařízení a pracovišť a zároveň dodržovat osvědčené postupy v oblasti...


Vedoucí Servisu Údržby

Amazon. Any, Kojetin

DESCRIPTION Amazon Operations je centrem, kde vzniká zákaznická zkušenost. Staráme se o všechno od okamžiku nákupu, až po doručení zboží - od kliknutí až po práh dveří. Po celé Evropě máme více než 50 distribučních center, stovky doručovacích stanic, tisíce strojů a desítky tisíc zaměstnanců, kteří všichni spolupracují v harmonii,...


Talent Development Programs Intern (Fall 2024)

BMW of North America. Any, Spartanburg

This position provides operational support for TX-65 programs designed for current students and recent college graduates who are part of the following Professional Talent Development Programs: Gen>NEXT student program, PACE, AcceleratiON. The role will interface with a variety of associates and managers in various departments throughout Plant Spartanburg, utilize various...

Job Type

Summer Intern

Colliers International. Any, Ontario

Make your next move an expert one. At Colliers it's not our success that sets us apart, it's how we achieve it. Our people are passionate, take ownership and always do what's right for our clients, people and communities. Why Colliers? Our enterprising environment needs your expertise to facilitate Colliers'...

Job Type

Manager, PR & Communications | Central Region

Colliers International. Any, Chicago

Make your next move an expert one. At Colliers it's not our success that sets us apart, it's how we achieve it. Our people are passionate, take ownership and always do what's right for our clients, people and communities. Why Colliers? Our enterprising environment needs your expertise to facilitate Colliers'...

Job Type

Property Manager

Colliers International. Any, Ontario

Make your next move an expert one. At Colliers it's not our success that sets us apart, it's how we achieve it. Our people are passionate, take ownership and always do what's right for our clients, people and communities. Why Colliers? Our enterprising environment needs your expertise to facilitate Colliers'...

Job Type

Senior Client Services Coordinator

Colliers International. Any, New York

Make your next move an expert one. At Colliers it's not our success that sets us apart, it's how we achieve it. Our people are passionate, take ownership and always do what's right for our clients, people and communities. Why Colliers? Our enterprising environment needs your expertise to facilitate Colliers'...

Job Type

Senior Client Services Coordinator - Contract

Colliers International. Any, Reno

Make your next move an expert one. At Colliers it's not our success that sets us apart, it's how we achieve it. Our people are passionate, take ownership and always do what's right for our clients, people and communities. Why Colliers? Our enterprising environment needs your expertise to facilitate Colliers'...

Job Type

Programme d'alternance Ingénieur.e Automatisme - Niveau Master

Amazon. Any, Augny

DESCRIPTION Le programme d'alternance combine des apprentissages théoriques et pratiques. C'est une belle opportunité pour vous permettre d'acquérir toutes les compétences nécessaires pour démarrer votre carrière. Pendant votre période d'alternance, vous allez préparer un diplôme de niveau Bac+5 et mettre en pratique les enseignements dans les domaines de l'ingénierie, l'automatisme...


Instandhaltungstechniker (m/w/d)

Amazon. Any, Troisdorf

DESCRIPTION Das Wartungs- und Instandhaltungsteam (Reliability Maintenance Engineering Team oder RME-Team) ist für unseren Betrieb von fundamentaler Bedeutung - es sorgt dafür, dass unsere technischen Systeme und Anlagen laufend funktionieren. Als Instandhaltungstechniker:in bist Du für die Wartung und Instandhaltung unserer förder- und haustechnischen Anlagen sowie Produktionsanlagen zuständig. Du hilfst, die...

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